Caramie's Zone

Blogue de critiques de films par Anna Li


[Contest over] THE FINEST HOURS


Caramie's Zone and Disney give you the chance to win one of the 5 double passes for the Montreal screening of THE FINEST HOURS taking place on January 27th at Cinema Banque Scotia 7PM

A heroic action-thriller, “The Finest Hours” is the remarkable true story of the most daring rescue mission in the history of the Coast Guard. Presented in Digital 3D™, Real D 3D and IMAX® 3D, the film will transport audiences to the heart of the action, creating a fully-immersive cinematic experience on an epic scale.

©2016 Disney Enterprises, Inc.

In theatres January 29th 

New rules: It has come to my attention that many of the winners from my last contests did not come to pick up their prize. To make sure that this won't happen again, PLEASE make sure that if you PARTICIPATE in my contest, you CAN COME to the screening. 

This contest ends on Sunday January 24th 6PM. 

**Please make sure that is on your contact list. (To prevent the email from going to the Spam Folder)**
I will send an email to the 5 winners by 6:30 PM on January 24th.

To be declared a winner you will now need to CONFIRM that you are indeed coming by Monday January 25th 11:59PM. If you can't come, please mention it in the email and send it back (there will be no problem). Extra passes will be allocated to other participants. 

But if you have CONFIRMED your presence by email and choose not to come to the screening, your name will be automatically put in my contests ban list. :(

Bonne chance !>

Vous êtes le ...ième visiteur! Merci!!!

Article en vedette

[Critique Cinéma] BETTER MAN




Auteur: Anna Li

HELLO WORLD! Ayant passé une partie de ma vie à ne faire que des maths (un baccalauréat que j'ai complété!), je n'ai peut-être plus la même plume qu'autrefois... Malgré tout, j'espère que vous apprécierez mes critiques de films et autres articles!

J'assistais souvent par le passé aux premières (tapis rouge) de films: Premières de films

Films à venir (Québec/USA)

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