Caramie's Zone

Blogue de critiques de films par Anna Li


[Contest ended] Win tickets for the advance screening of Tomorrowland


Caramie's Zone and Disney gives you the chance to win one of the 5 double passes for the Montreal advance screening of TOMORROWLAND taking place on May 20th at Cinema Banque Scotia 7PM.

From Disney comes two-time Oscar® winner Brad Bird’s riveting, mystery adventure “Tomorrowland,” starring Academy Award® winner George Clooney. Bound by a shared destiny, former boy-genius Frank (Clooney), jaded by disillusionment, and Casey (Britt Robertson), a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity, embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space known only as “Tomorrowland.” What they must do there changes the world—and them—forever. Featuring a screenplay by “Lost” writer and co-creator Damon Lindelof and Brad Bird, from a story by Lindelof & Bird & Jeff Jensen, “Tomorrowland” promises to take audiences on a thrill ride of nonstop adventures through new dimensions that have only been dreamed of. 

In theaters May 22nd.

The 5 winners
Catherine Charette
Micah Milton
Safina Adatia
Alice Chevallereau
Hélène Fuhr

For a chance to win

Contest ends on May 17th 23:59. 

Bonne chance!>

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Article en vedette

[Critique Cinéma] NE ZHA 2




Auteur: Anna Li

HELLO WORLD! Ayant passé une partie de ma vie à ne faire que des maths (un baccalauréat que j'ai complété!), je n'ai peut-être plus la même plume qu'autrefois... Malgré tout, j'espère que vous apprécierez mes critiques de films et autres articles!

J'assistais souvent par le passé aux premières (tapis rouge) de films: Premières de films

Films à venir (Québec/USA)

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