Caramie's Zone

Blogue de critiques de films par Anna Li


[Contest over] Win tickets for the screening of The Night Before in Montreal


Caramie's Zone and Sony gives you the chance to win one of the 15 double passes for the Montreal screening of The Night Before taking place on November 16th at Cineplex Forum 7:30PM.

Ethan (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), Isaac (Seth Rogen) and Chris (Anthony Mackie) have been friends since childhood, and for a decade, their yearly Christmas Eve reunion has been an annual night of debauchery and hilarity. Now that they’re entering adulthood, the tradition is coming to an end, and to make it as memorable as possible, they set out to find the Nutcracka Ball – the Holy Grail of Christmas parties. 

The movie opens on November 20th

Contest overl Winners were contacted by email.

For a chance to win

Contest ends on Friday November 13th 23:59.

Bonne chance!>

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Article en vedette

[Critique Cinéma] BETTER MAN




Auteur: Anna Li

HELLO WORLD! Ayant passé une partie de ma vie à ne faire que des maths (un baccalauréat que j'ai complété!), je n'ai peut-être plus la même plume qu'autrefois... Malgré tout, j'espère que vous apprécierez mes critiques de films et autres articles!

J'assistais souvent par le passé aux premières (tapis rouge) de films: Premières de films

Films à venir (Québec/USA)

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