Caramie's Zone

Blogue de critiques de films par Anna Li


[Fantasia 2013] WILLOW CREEK/ Q&A (English)


 Jim, un jeune homme croit vraiment au Bigfoot. Lui et sa copine, Kelly iront au Trinity County en Californie pour tourner un documentaire à l'endroit où un Bigfoot un documentaire par Roger Patterson et Robert Gimlin a été tourné en 1967. Ils se rendent à Willow Creek où ils rencontrent des habitants de la ville. Certains des habitants leur avertissent de ne pas se rendre au fonds des bois. Le couple ignoreront leur avertissements.


Willow Creek est un excellent film horreur. Il est tourné en style documentaire. La première moité du film qui est humoristique se passe dans le village où les entrevues avec diverses personnes ont lieu. Ils interviewent même un chanteur qui écrit des chansons sur BigFoot. Durant le Q&A qui a suivit la projection du film, le réalisateur Bobcat Goldthwait nous a révélé que les personnes interviewés ne sont pas des acteurs, mais bien de réelles personnes qui habitent dans le village.

 Le film tourne lentement au film d'horreur lorsque les deux personnages principaux se renderont au milieu de la forêt. Il y a une superbe scène qui est le moment central du film d'une durée de 20 minutes. Elle est tournée en un seul plan qui nous montre le couple assis dans la tente se sentir menacés par le bruit à l'extérieur. Cette scène est immersive, car on peut quasiment ressentir la terreur qu'on les personnages. Dans son Q&A, le réalisateur nous a affirmé que qu'il  a suffit de 3 prises pour réaliser cette scène. Durant la première prise, les acteurs ont eu tellement peur qu'ils  commencé à pleurer. Je dois vous recommander de voir ce film dans le noir. Ce film est un excellent hybride entre une comédie et un film d'horreur.

Q&A Transcript (The Q& A withBobcat goldthwait took place after the screening of the movie on July 31rst 2013)

Why did you do this movie?
 Ever since I was a little boy, I was fascinated by Big Foot. About a year and a half, maybe even less I put about 1400 miles on my car driving around to all the BigFoot sights. When I got to Willow Creek, I just kinda thought I wanted to make a movie. I always had a weird feeling about found-footage movies, because who's the creep that found this footage and he's says "I'm sorry that your daughter got raped to death, but if I cut it, I feel like its a tremendous movie in it."

Aside from the main actors everybody are actual citizens of Willow Creek.

About 80% are real people just playing themselves. I didn't say to them: "Oh. We're making a suspense Bigfoot movie, can you pretend to act like yourself?

Where did you find the main actors and how much rehearsal did they have? 

Bryce [Johnson] is the douchy guy in God Bless America. Alexie [Gilmore] was the co-star in World greatest dad. I have a friendship with them. Its an eleven-hour drive to where we filmed the movie. We rehearsed in the car on the way up basically.

How were the sound effects created in the long take?

The take is 19 minutes long. All the sound is live.

You have some artifacts right?

I have a footprint from the cast  from the Roger Patterson et Robert Gimlin footage. My home is turning into a BigFoot museum Because everybody is giving me stuffs, I think I should make a movie about pizza.

What are river people?

There are a lot like fish enthusiastic. In the summer, they just love out the river. They are kinda sketchy.

Are you a fan of Boggy Creek?

Yeah, of course. Its a movie that came out in the early seventys. Its similar to the fact that we don't see Bigfoot too much in that movie.

Why did you end the movie like that ( river woman)?

I like to leave it to your imagination. If a horrific Bigfoot came out, it would have been cheesy. I' m not going to tell you what that woman is supposed to be. We were trying to cast that woman and we had a really hard time to find a woman who was willing to be nude in the middle of the woods.

Was there a script?

There is an outline of some of the scenes. We rehearsed it loosely.

Did you think about using the real footage?

Yeah, but the footage is really expensive.

How much time did you spend in the woods. And how many takes did the long shot take?

We were out in the woods about 2 days. The long take was done 3 times. The middle one both actors actually start crying because it was just scary for them and little bit scary for me too by the way. The last one is the one we see in the movie. The actors were kinda resigned to their own fate.  

For the whole movie in general, were you leaning towards a comedy or horror or were you trying to find a balance between the two.

I don't really concerned myself when I'm making stuffs. That stuffs come out when I'm making the movie.

Did you become a Bigfoot believer?

It's a weird question because I like to think that I'm open to the possibility, but at the same time I'm an atheist so it really confuses people.>

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Article en vedette

[Critique Cinéma] BETTER MAN




Auteur: Anna Li

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